Experience San Miguel De Allende
White Elephant Party
Annual Foodie White Elephant Party
Sunday Dec 8 3-7pm
Private home in Centro *address given with reservation
What: Foodie Holiday Party featuring Wacky White Elephant, gourmet tasty treats and charity event for the food drive (bring 3+pantry items)
Kat will be preparing a few foodie favorites:
What is a Wacky Foodie White Elephant? We will conduct our Foodie White Elephant with the traditional number pulling and rounds (limit 3 steals per gift). But our tradition (going on 20+ yrs) is to invite guest to use their imagination on the gifts and bring something Foodie- creative, fun, wacky or novice. The goal is to get the room to clamor for the gift you brought (groans are good too!) Everyone should bring a wrapped gift to play~
We will celebrate in a lovely turn of the century off the Jardin. Please only RSVP if you are positive you are attending the cook is buying ingredients based on headcount.
Need ideas for your foodie White Elephant Gift? Team@ExperienceSMA,com for ideas
800 pesos includes a donation to Children’s Charity